In B's Words

This page is for stories about B.  This can take form of a story, joke, phrases, vocabulary or anything I just think makes B an amazing kid to have around.  I could probably do three of these a day but I'll try and keep it to what I feel is quintessential B.

I went to curriculum night and this was hanging on a wall. They had to write about teamwork.

"I'm B and I'm a great person to have on our team. Mainly, I bring awesomeness to our team...."

"Why don't people these days understand what a klaxsen is?" In an annoyed voice.

"If I'm not a marine biologist some day then I'm going to own a pie factory"

On our way out of the gas station B states “Why is gas so expensive?”

Me: I think because we have multiple wars going on around the world

Him: Why are people asking us to be in their wars?

Me: Oh, they aren’t, we’re going into them on our own.

Him: Well why aren’t we following the words of Mahatma Gandhi ?

Me: And what were those?

Him: Have a war with peaceful protests

Me: I’m not sure honey.

Him: You should email the president

Me: I think he’s pretty busy, I don’t think he has time to read it

Him: Well, Martha Stewart is famous and since you’re the next one he should read it.

We were in the car and I said that we would be home in a few minutes. Looking in my rear view mirror I could see B just staring out the window. When we got home he informed me that it was actually 2.5 minutes and that "You were close." I said "Oh, is that what you were doing looking out the window?" He responded "Yes, that was my counting face and wait until you see my anticipation and awe faces." All right then.

I was singing T the alphabet song and B told me to stop (he hates singing). He then said that T already knows the alphabet. I said "but he doesn't know the song." He replied "Does he need to?" I guess not. Point taken.

I remember when B was 5 and his dad was playing a video game. B walked in the room and said "Are you playing that for your own nefarious purposes?"

I asked T to give me a hug. T loves to give hugs and for B it's torture. As T was giving me a hug B says to him "Stop, she's just trying to make you her minion."

B has an amazing vocabulary. So much so that I wonder if he is aware. Today in the car I decided to ask him "B do you think you speak differently than other kids your age?" Without skipping a beat he says "Yeah, I use words that mean a lot so I don't have to use as many in a sentence, like contribute."