Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Numbers Riddle

In the post before this one, I posted a homework word problem.  This time, I am going to post a math "riddle" that my son did for extra credit.

I didn't work out the math.  But he told me the answer.

And I hope it's the right one or...awkward. 

Go ahead, I'll wait while you try it.  


My tens digit is the 26th prime minus 96,
But if you’re incapable of that,
It’s also the 3rd square minus the 2nd square,
Says my epic CAT…. Brand calculator.

My thousands digit when multiplied with my units,
Should equal an odd number,
Now subtract [400-(10-(300x3-895)-5+5),
And you’ll get it you humbler!!

My ten thousands digit is really quite simple,
So let me give you a break,
Take the 3rd prime and square it, and minus twenty,
And you’ll get the digit, break’s a plenty!

Figuring out the one’s place,
Shall be no fun at all,
Sum the first 3 squares, add one, subtract 16, and add 7! (Including 0)
That’ll give you the answer quick!!

Last but not least, my hundreds digit,
Not an easy one,
Take (400- the first 3 primes-386),
And you’ve got it done!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

4th Grade Math?

I wave my white flag.

My son has these "problems of the week"  due every Friday.

This is his first one for the year.  Can you solve it?

The Bridge Problem

Four people need to cross a bridge at night.

The bridge is only strong enough to hold at most two people at once.

Because it is night, a flashlight must be used for all crossings.

It takes person A ten minutes to cross, person B five minutes, person C two minutes, and person D one minute.

If two cross at the same time they must walk at the slower man's pace.

How can you get everyone across in 17 minutes?

Oh, and there's only one flashlight.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Full Steam Ahead

Last night I had Kindergarten orientation for my younger son.  It was hard not to reflect back on my first time through this with B.  I remember looking around the room at the information on the walls.  I had that sinking feeling of “he’s not going to like this.”  Not because he didn’t like to learn.  It was quite the opposite.  Based on the curriculum presented, he had already surpassed the “required” knowledge needed for that year.

But this time was different.  T just turned 5 in June.  There were thoughts of holding him back a year.  There were discussions with teachers.  There were tough internal questions to ask. 

T was born on June 19th, 2007.  He was 3 weeks early and weighed 5lbs 5 oz.  He was like a little bird when he was born.   He didn’t “unfold” himself until about his actual due date.  Even at only 3 weeks early, you could just tell, he wasn’t done cooking.   He let us know that he wasn’t done for the next 6 months with colic and a side of reflux.

Then, something changed.  He went mute.  Hearing the colic for the previous 6 months, I wasn’t sure if I should jump for joy, or if there was something more to this silence. 

At his next well doctor visit, it was determined with the developmental delays in conjunction with the regression in speech, he would be evaluated for early intervention.

Without going into everything, because that’s like 5 posts in itself, I still decided in the end not to hold him back from attending kindergarten this year.  Even though he’s only been in school for 3 days, the decision weighs on my mind constantly.  At orientation last night, just hearing about the reading, writing, and journaling, my stomach sank again.  This time for different reasons. 

The main reasons people hold children back a year are:  emotional, social, cognitive, or sports related.
My son had attended 2 years of preschool and is very social and has no issues separating from me. He is independent, friendly, social, and well behaved.  I’m not concerned with the sports reason.  He is of average height and weight and is much more coordinated than his older brother already.  So the only reason left was his cognitive abilities. 

I already had a child who went into school knowing “everything” he needed to.  Let me tell you, that was no treat either. 

If I had based my decision on the educational component alone, I would have held him back.  Though, he has no diagnosed learning disability as of right now, I know that this year (and future years) of learning will be a challenge.  He will have to work harder than his brother ever had to.

So should I have held him back and have him start next year with “less” to learn or do I offer him everything to learn this year.

I chose everything.  I believe, school should be filled with exciting discovery and  full of new information.

I hope I gave him that. 

I’ll still debate it every day.   That’s just what Mom’s do.

(Since I do have 2 kids, I will be writing anything education related to them here.  My 2nd son is not gifted and this new chapter into his learning years will be a huge curve ball for me.  Luckily, I have some athletic ability myself.)